Dinner for Eight
What is it?
Meet once a month for dinner, you will meet with a different group of people each month, you will host one time. This way you'll get to meet with some old friends and get to know some new ones.
Who should attend?
Couples or singles.
How does it work?
The host home provides the main dish, others bring a vegetable, a salad and a dessert. This rotates each month; you will only host one time.
When does it start?
This group will meet once a month in February, March, April & May
Where do we meet?
Homes, restaurants, anyplace appropriate to gather for a meal. If you feel your home isn’t big enough, call and reserve a room at the church. Or when it’s your turn to host and you do not like to cook, arrange to meet at a restaurant of your choice, everyone pays for their own meal.
Who's in my group?
Groups are randomly selected; we will email you soon with details.